
Refund and Returns Policy


Thank you for choosing QuikTele for your IPTV needs. We strive to provide a satisfactory service, but we understand that there may be instances where you need to request a refund or return.

Refund Policy:

7-Day Money-Back Guarantee:

We offer a 7-day money-back guarantee on our IPTV service. If you are not satisfied with the service within the first 7 days of your subscription, you are eligible for a refund.
Conditions for Refund:

To qualify for a refund, please ensure that your request is made within the first 7 days from the date of your subscription.
Refunds will only be processed for the initial subscription fee; any additional fees or charges are non-refundable.
The service must not have been used in a manner that violates our Terms of Service.
Refund Process:

To request a refund, please contact our support team at support@quiktele.com with your order details and the reason for your refund request.
Refunds will be processed within 7-10 business days of receiving the refund request.
Reduced Service Fee for Early Returns:

If you choose to return the service within the 7-day period, you may be eligible for a reduced refund amount, which can range from 10% to 20% of the original subscription fee.
Returns Policy:

Defective or Incorrect Service:

If you encounter any issues with the service that are a result of a defect or an error on our part, please contact our support team at support@quiktele.com. We will work to resolve the issue promptly.
Cancellation and Termination:

You can cancel your subscription at any time. Upon cancellation, access to the service will be terminated at the end of the current billing cycle.
Contact Information:

For any refund or returns inquiries, please contact our support team at support@quiktele.com.
Note: QuikTele reserves the right to amend this Refund and Returns Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page.

Thank you for choosing QuikTele.

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